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TECH REPORT 2 : Electrical 

TECH REPORT 3 : Presentation

Part 3

Part 2

Part 3

Part 1

TECH REPORT 4 : Feedback

Gantt Chart

Summary: In the presentation for the third tech report one of the main critiques was about enthusiasm. I need to come across better with excitement rather then monotone. One of the ways that I plan to fix this is through practicing my material a little less and studying it more. I feel my nerves wanted me to latch onto a script rather than let my passion take the lead and it was detrimental. I want them to see the work and passion that went into every decision. Another area I want to focus on is the dressing room because I feel it was one of the most heavily discussed topics of my presentation. I want to take it back to to the core concept and redesign it to something practical and worthwhile. Lastly, I would like to redesign the theater as it was suggested from one of the panel members encouraged with examples. I trust his intuition to help guide me to a design that will truly showcase what I envision. 

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